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Following up on the letter of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs number B/44661/UN38.I/HM.04.01/2021 regarding Limited and Gradual Face-to-Face Lectures (PTMTB) on September 15, 2021, it is necessary to convey the following: 1. Space capacity i
Dear. In order to prepare for the "Face-to-Face Lecture" at the State University of Surabaya, students are required to fill in data correctly regarding the implementation of vaccines that have been carried out by students via the link:
Unduh buku panduan dan kelengkapan berkas pada link berikut : berkas pendaftaran UKT Kemendikbud FISH 2021 melalui link :
Dear, 1. Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni at Unesa2. Deputy Director 1 Surabaya State University Vocational Program With respect, following up on the letter from the Head of the Education Financing Center of the Ministry of Education and C