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On Saturday and Sunday, October 14 and 15 2023, the Talent and Interest Department of the Unesa History Education Study Program Student Association held a work program "Porjur (Department Sports Week)" with the theme "Show your best skill with sol
LKMM PRA-TD (GARWITA) 2023, is a training work program for leadership and self-management prepared for new History Education students Class of 2023. Garwita itself is a name from Sanskrit which means 'proud' On Saturday and Sunday November 11 and
Transformation towards a Golden Indonesia 2045 must be supported by quality human resources or human resources, one of which has digital capabilities. Therefore, digital talent must be born on campuses through various strategies.
In order to strengthen and expand cooperation between faculties and study programs, the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences and the Bachelor of Public Administration Study Program held a Collaborative visit to the Faculty of Social and Political
Congratulations FISHThe Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law received an award as a faculty with the title of territorial integrity zone free from corruption (ZI WBK) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technolog